Cazane de apa calda pentru arzator cu aer insuflat

  • TP 3LN

TP 3LN sunt cazane din otel pentru apa calda cu randament ridicat si emisii reduse de noxe.

Acestea sunt cazane ignitubulare, cu ardere in focar presurizat cu 3 drumuri de gaze arse distincte.

Flacara se dezvolta in focarul amplu dimensionat si complet racit (incarcari termice reduse), se intoarce prin drumul 2 de gaze arse (o singura teava optim dimensionata) spre camera de fum anterioara de unde intra apoi prin tevile de fum (drumul 3 de gaze arse) care sunt echipate cu turbionatori pentru a creste schimbul de caldura prin convectie.

In camera de fum posterioara gazele de ardere sunt colectate si apoi trimise catre cosul de fum.

Puteri 70 - 2360 kW

Horizontal steel hot water generator for pressurised combustionwith three flue gas passes and three-star certified energy efficiencyin accordance with directive 92/42/EEC.
Ready for operation in combination with a jet burner on liquidor gas fuel. The arrangement and generous sizing of the combustionchamber guarantee a low heating load and the possibilityto be combined with burners featuring technology for thecombustion with low polluting emissions.
Range consisting of 20 models with rated outputs from 92 to3200 kW.

  • Boiler body lined on the outside with carbon steel plate protection painted with epoxy powder coat, and consisting of: pipe for the second flue pass with intake from the bottom of the furnace, sized to optimise combustion parameters; tube bundle for the third flue gas pass located at the top and hotter part of the hot water generator, so as to prevent condensate forming and fitted with steel turbulators to increase convective heat exchange.
  • Energy efficiency exceeding 95%.
  • Maximum operating pressure 6 bars, (÷10 bars on request)
  • Maximum design temperature 100°C.
  • Floating combustion chamber with cooled end plate, volumetric heating load less than 1.1 MW/m3 to ensure atmospheric nitrogen oxide emissions less than 80 mg kW/h, in combination with suitable burners.
  • Threaded fittings up to 240 kW outputs and flanged fittings complete with counterflanges for larger sizes.
  • Front door with reversible opening from both sides and innovative closing system with micrometric adjustment on the boiler body. Heat insulation using with material with excellent insulting properties and reduced thermal inertia, protected by refractory material on the furnace side and on the flue gas pass side.
  • Heat insulation extended to all parts of the boiler using an 80 mm thick layer of mineral wool on all the plating.


  • CE mark in accordance with the following directives
  • Gas Appliances (2009/142 EEC)
  • Efficiency (92/42 EEC)
  • Low Voltage (2006/95 EEC)
  • Electromagnetic Compatibility (2004/108 EEC)



  • Date tehnice

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