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2019-10-28 16:35:00

Ferroli joins the race to develop the energy system of the future

Monday 28th October

As a new report backed by MPs and launched by Minister for Climate Change Lord Duncan last week calls for “an urgent Green Heat Roadmap by 2020 to scale low carbon heating technologies”, Ferroli are proud to announce that we are working to develop a boiler, which works using a mixture of methane and hydrogen.

“UK homes are primarily heated by fossil fuels and contribute 13% of UK’s carbon footprint (equivalent to all the UK’s 38.4m cars). The report – Uncomfortable Home Truths: why Britain urgently needs a low carbon heat strategy says this is incompatible with UK climate legislation targeting net-zero economy by 2050”.

The Energy and Utilities Alliance’s (EUA’s) chief executive Mike Foster, involved in the study said the “EUA believes that the only sensible, cost effective and deliverable solution to decarbonising the hard to tackle heat sector is by using green gases such as hydrogen”.

Ferroli agrees that the energy system of the future needs to be fed by sources, which are both safe, clean and enable considerable steps to be taken towards decarbonisation. Experimenting with green gas, such as methane-hydrogen mixtures, is an essential ingredient on the journey to reaching this goal.

Ferroli are working together with the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) to develop a boiler, which works using a mixture of methane and hydrogen, delivering the carbon reductions needed, while keeping people warm in their homes.

This joint project involves performing theoretical analyses, experiments and computer simulations in order to design an appliance capable of running on mixtures of methane and hydrogen. We aim to identify key components, characterise features and pollutant emissions and define the appliance’s working range.

“By taking part in this project, Ferroli have the chance to take the lead and set new trends in the field. Necessity and market demand for highly efficient systems with the lowest possible environmental impact means that these challenges can no longer be postponed,” says Ferroli’s Group CEO, Riccardo Garrè.